Eggman says they won’t win when they’re dead and tells Shadow to use Chaos Control. Because if he won with his super speed, I’m just wondering why that didn’t happen for SA2 Shadow. This would be so much easier to actually be invested in if I saw the story from the beginning, instead of not knowing how he won. What about SONIC’S super speed? Somehow telling Shadow to use his Chaos Control as a weapon didn’t even occur to him. It’s more like they got beat up by a normal guy. They’re still intact, it’s not like they were smacked so hard that it’s like they were hit by a speeding train. If it’s supposed to mean that Metal Shadow is what beat the heroes in this timeline, while I’d normally compliment this as a moment of Reality Ensues, it’s really not because it’s not like Sonic, Tails and Knuckles have been teleported apart, it’s not like a portal was summoned in their bodies.
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Sonic says that Eggman will never get the Chaos Emeralds, as there seems to be a Shadow Android in front of Eggman. But here, it starts out In Media Res and we don’t even SEE how he achieved his victory. And the only victory that Eggman had was sending him to another dimension. The Other M Comic kinda started out on the status quo, with Sonic fighting Eggman, and it just happened that he won because of a Genre Savvy plan.

Sonic says in front of the Master Emerald’s shrine that Eggman created the perfect weapon and beat him, and he looks injured. It’s a better parallel with Other M than I thought, but at least here it looks good and is actually shaded properly, even if it’s too rushed to have color in it. It’s surprising that most of the first issue is colorless.

The sheer fact that it has Silver and Shadow in it has me worried because Silver and Shadow are the worst examples of Forget About My Powers. OK, this comic better be good because a lot of people think it is.